About us

What are Community Land Trusts?
Community Land Trusts (CLTs) are away for people from a village, neighborhood, town or city to get together and create a non-profit organisation for the good of their community. They are run by volunteers, and work for the long term good of the community by acquiring assets, for example building permanently affordable housing or work spaces, or acquiring the local pub, library or shop. These then stay owned by the CLT forever.
Providing homes for people with strong local connections at levels that are genuinely affordable. Or providing assets for the community such as work-spaces, recreational facilities, shops, pubs-there is real scope to be creative, to think about what the community needs, and to provide for that. CLT sallow communities to take back control over the future development of their local area, and provide the homes and amenities that the community wants and needs.
Community Individuals, social groups, business and voluntary organisations working together for the common good of the space that they share. Land Communities taking control through collective ownership of land and property assets so they can tackle the issues affecting their street, their neighborhood, or their town. Trust in one another working for the common good and trust that the benefits of what we are doing now will be protected for future generations.
Great Yarmouth CLT is supported by Debbie Wildridge, who works for Locality. She has experience working with more than 30 CLTs, and is funded to be at GYBC for one day a week. Trustees are drawn from the community, drawing together people with local knowledge and expertise to work together with the members of the CLT.

Community Engagement is the main pillar for any community led housing group.
GYCLT is seeking to:
Connect with community through local groups and public events.
Build a local membership base-members do not have to be seeking housing
Collect community feedback.
Evidence local support
Land & Planning
Look for land/buildings locally which may be suitable for development or redevelopment. Brown field sites Flats above shops Derelict buildings CLTs provide are all opportunity to think creatively.
Again, working with the community is key to select the most appropriate sites and projects.
Funding CLTs access a mix of grant and loan funding in the different stages along their journey.
We have a grant from GYBC to cover start-up costs of the CLT, moving forward funding will need to be sought for whatever projects we tackle, such as:
Pre-development funding to secure a site and get planning permission
Development funding and/or long-term funding to fund the build
Feasibility and viability assessments
Where are we now?
The CLT is in the process of setting up as a legal entity, we are beginning to look at local properties which may be suitable for us as a first project.
We are putting in place a publicity and communications strategy to get local interest and support.
We are in touch with local community groups to keep them up dated, and to ensure that we are in touch with local issues and local need.